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Writer's picture: Ana LyzAna Lyz

Updated: Apr 21, 2022

Overbooking and feeling like there just isn't enough time.

I think that we've all reached a point in our lives when we burnout. That breaking point when we fall apart because we've put too much on our plates. In this blog post, I will talk about my experience in that moment, how I'm coping and managing and what I advise that you do to prevent this or to get out of it in a healthy way.

I'm a person who likes to be busy. It helps time go by faster and I simply enjoy being productive in multiple areas of my life. Currently, I have five part-time jobs on campus, I am a full time college student in her last semester and I'm doing my best to build my platform as a content creator. I know that five jobs is a lot. It's not something I had originally planned for. The doors simply were opened to me and I've figured out a way to make these jobs work for me, sometimes. Two of my jobs give me time to be productive. One of them I solely use it as my homework time and the other I use it as my editing time. I am basically getting paid to do what I enjoy or need to do, even though that wasn't laid out in the job description. The tipping point, however, has come at a time when I just have too much on my mind that it's become difficult to remain consistently productive and focused in these jobs. With about a month left until graduation, the clock is quickly ticking for me to find a full time job and to find a place to live in.

Laptop on a desk with multiple electronic accessories
Workspace during quarantine

I've become so overwhelmed that two days ago I got sick. I'm still quarantined and waiting for the PCR results as I'm writing this entry. At first, I thought that my sickness was caused from the weather change. People get seasonal allergies and colds, so naturally I thought that was me too. Then, I also considered that it could be the virus, since we are still living in a pandemic. Honestly, I may not know how I got sick in the first place, but I have to say, once I was told to quarantine and I had nowhere else to go, my mind has slowly fallen at ease. Yes, I am still a bit anxious and stressed out because I know that I have so much work to get done and I'm still hoping that I'll get out soon so that I can get back to my responsibilities. But I have to learn to accept the situation and embrace it. Something that we talk about during Bible study is that we need to embrace the season God has put us in. And I guess that's what's happening to me right now. Even science has shown that there are stressed-induced sicknesses. Our minds can max out to the point that our bodies are affected as well. As of this moment, I no longer have symptoms. In fact, I was able to get nine hours of sleep last night, something that I always aim for but have failed to do so in the past few weeks. I've been able to breathe a little bit more, sit down and read a book, dance to some music in the morning, and just take things slowly, without having to rush out of the room to handle the next thing on the list.

We cannot pour out of an empty cup.

Being forced to sit down and be still is hard, especially while living in such a fast-paced world. The hustling lifestyle is contagious and dangerous. But we need to remember that we need to give ourselves a break more than once in a while. Not only because we deserve it, but because we need it. Our minds and our bodies are not invincible machines, they need to be nourished and recharged. We cannot pour out of an empty cup. Why do you think the majority of doctors will tell you to rest in order to cure your cold or your migraine? Breaks "promote mental health, boost creativity, increase productivity, promote well-being, reduce stress, improve mood, and strengthen relationships." (Forbes) They are so good for us and we need to learn to value rest just as much as we value hard work. As creators, rest is crucial so that we can always have a fresh mind when tackling new projects.

Here's a couple of things to do to prevent burnout and to cope with burnout.

Preventing and Coping with Burnout

  • Honoring your sleep. Have a set time to go to sleep and wake up, and stick to it. This helps me make sure that I'm getting the sleep that I need. I use my iPhone's Wind Down setting on weekdays. Remember, sleep that you lose is sleep that you never get back.

  • Taking periodic rest breaks. If I know that I'm going to be on my computer for a long time, then I make sure to take a 10 minute break after every hour. During this break I usually stretch, get up, get some water or go to the bathroom. It also just helps my eyes to take a break from the screen. You can look up your average daily screen time on your phone/computer to see how well you're doing. (This Youtube video also helped me out).

  • Proper nutrition. If I don't eat, then I will be too hungry to focus. If I eat too much or eat unhealthy meals, then I will feel too fatigued to be productive. It's not about restrictive dieting but rather finding the proper balance between what you love to eat and what you should eat.

  • Changing my environment. I cannot stress enough how important this is to me. Most of my work I can do it on my laptop, which means I can go anywhere I want (such a blessing). Whether it's the library or the dining hall, I've noticed that when I change my environment, my brain will be able to refocus. This is also tied in with taking breaks. If you've been in one spot for too long and feel stuck, try changing the room you're working in.

  • Saying "NO." This does not make us selfish at all. Saying "no" simply means that you're being honest and realistic about your capabilities. We are humans, not robots.

  • Seek support. Talking to a friend, a family member or a loved one can go a long way (Bonus points if you have a therapist). Having an open conversation about your circumstances can help you think more clearly, which will allow you to reevaluate your situation in a more objective way.

  • Mindfulness. Focusing on your breath flow while being aware of your senses and your thoughts in a nonjudgmental way can help you rethink your situation in a calm and healthy way. (Mayo Clinic)

I know that it is easier said than done, but once you make a conscious effort to make some small changes in your life, you will see long-lasting improvement. I know that I'm not the best example when it comes to burnout, but I'm learning as I go and I hope that this entry is helpful to people who are going through a similar time as I am. What are some tips you have to offer? How have you dealt with burnout?

There are many ways to handle burnout and the internet has given us access to multiple resources. If you want to find more tips or find something that better fits your lifestyle, the internet is your best place to find that answer.


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